Whistleblower schemes

HR Legal | 23.10.2024

by Lisbeth Lindorff Riis

Workplaces above a certain size are required to implement a whistleblower scheme, allowing specific types of concerning or illegal activities to be reported. The scheme must ensure the protection of the whistleblower's identity. 

In 2021, companies with more than 250 employees were required to establish a whistleblower scheme. On 17 December 2023, this requirement was extended to include private companies with 50 to 249 employees. Read more about whistleblower schemes here and how your company can comply with the regulations. 

What is a whistleblower scheme? 

A whistleblower scheme should allow employees to report any irregularities under Danish or EU law, such as corruption, fraud related to environmental and consumer protection, safety issues, financial transactions, or other serious matters. Companies are also free to invite their customers and suppliers to use the whistleblower scheme. Employees cannot use the scheme to raise complaints about their own working conditions, unless it involves serious legal violations, such as severe sexual harassment or other gross misconduct. 


Requirements of the scheme and companies’ responsibility 

Companies must designate a trusted (internal or external) person or unit independent of the company's management to receive reports from whistleblowers. This person or unit is obliged to investigate the validity of reports in an impartial and confidential manner, and to ensure the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity. 

The law sets out a series of formal criteria for setting up a whistleblower unit, including requirements to acknowledge receipt of reports within seven days, to carefully investigate and follow up on reports, to liaise with whistleblowers, and to give whistleblowers feedback on reports within three months of receiving a report. 

Companies are also required to communicate clearly to all employees and others eligible to report about where and how to report, e.g., in the form of a whistleblower policy that is available on the company's website and intranet. 

Finally, companies are also required to document that a whistleblower scheme has been set up and that it is operated in a way that ensures the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity and the rights of other persons to confidentiality. 

Get help with managing your whistleblower scheme 

In other words, setting up an internal whistleblower unit that fulfils all the legal requirements, especially regarding the protection of reports and whistleblowers, as well as impartial, legally correct, and professional processing of reports within the timeframes and procedural rules laid down by law, is a complicated matter. 

This is why some companies choose to work with an external partner that acts as an external whistleblower unit. In this case, employees do not have to worry about the potential lack of confidentiality and impartiality, and the external partner usually has good access to the company's senior management when making decisions about acting on relevant reports. 

The external partner can ensure the professional and digital processing of reports and take care of the subsequent investigation. However, in the event of an inspection, the companies themselves must be able to document that a whistleblower scheme has been set up. Companies must appoint an internal person to liaise with any external partner and ensure the implementation and communication of a whistleblower policy. 

Considerations when setting up a whistleblower scheme 

At Azets, we advise companies who are unsure about how to initiate the setup of a whistleblower scheme. Companies should generally consider the following: 

  • Basic legal requirements: Setting up an internal or external whistleblower scheme is an undeniable legal requirement, so companies must be sufficiently familiar with the legal requirements to comply with the inspections that naturally accompany the law. 
  • Internal vs external competences and resources: What competences and resources does your company have to set up and operate an internal whistleblower scheme, including the requirement for confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers, as well as impartial and correct investigation of reports? Or is it more appropriate for your company to work with an external partner? 
  • Confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers: The benefit of a whistleblower scheme is its ability to uncover corruption, fraud, and other irregularities. What is needed for employees to feel comfortable using the company's whistleblower scheme and for cases to be handled impartially? 
  • Internal accountability and communication: An internal whistleblower officer must be appointed within your company (even if you work with an external partner), and an internal policy must be developed and communicated. The external partner can help with this as well. Communication should include information on how to investigate and report suspicious activities and how whistleblowers will be protected. 
  • Follow-up: Companies’ senior management must be available to act on reports and ensure that any issues and irregularities are resolved. 


Let us help you get started 

As Denmark's largest outsourcing partner within finance, payroll, and HR, Azets already handles a wide range of confidential and regulatory tasks for companies, but we are now also able to offer our clients advice on setting up a whistleblower scheme. 


FAQ (Most Frequent Asked Questions) about whistleblower schemes

What is a whistleblower scheme?

A whistleblower scheme is a mechanism that allows employees to anonymously report critical or unlawful activities within a company. This could involve breaches of Danish law or EU regulations relating to corruption, environmental protection, financial transactions, and more.

When is a whistleblower scheme mandatory?When is a whistleblower scheme mandatory?

According to the law, all companies with over 50 employees must have a whistleblower scheme in place by 17 December 2023. This requirement applies to both private and public organisations.

How does a whistleblower scheme protect the identity of the whistleblower?

The whistleblower scheme must ensure the whistleblower's identity remains confidential. The company must implement procedures to protect whistleblowers from any potential retaliation, with only trusted individuals having access to the information.

What can be reported through a whistleblower scheme?

Issues such as corruption, fraud, violations of environmental regulations, consumer protection, and severe safety concerns can be reported. It’s important to note that personal grievances regarding employment conditions are not covered by the whistleblower scheme, unless they involve serious violations, such as sexual harassment.

How is a whistleblower scheme implemented?

The company must appoint an independent unit or individual responsible for receiving and investigating reports. Additionally, the company must clearly communicate how and where employees can report any irregularities.
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About Lisbeth Lindorff Riis

Lisbeth Lindorff Riis holds a Cand.merc.jur degree from the Aarhus School of Business and later obtained a Cand.jur degree from the University of Copenhagen. Lisbeth has over 21 years of experience in legal advising within HR, including issues related to data protection law - GDPR, employment law, and maternity leave. In Azets, Lisbeth is the Head of HR Legal.