Annual tax statement, tax return, and reporting form

Accounting | 11.02.2025

by Azets

As the year draws to a close and tax season approaches, it’s time to get an overview of your income, deductions, and tax payments. For employees, this process mainly takes place through the annual tax statement (Årsopgørelse), while self-employed individuals must submit a reporting form (Oplysningsskema). It’s essential to understand the difference between the two, be aware of deadlines, and ensure that all information is accurate to avoid unexpected residual tax payments or missed deductions. 

In this blog post, we will go through what an annual tax statement and a reporting form are, which deadlines you need to meet, and which details are particularly important to check. 

annual tax statement, tax return and reporting forms in denmarkAnnual tax statement for employees 

The standard annual tax statement provides an overview of how much you earned in the previous year and, consequently, how much tax you owe. The information in this statement is automatically reported by your employer, bank, unemployment insurance fund (A-kasse), and other relevant institutions. 

If you disagree with the figures or need to add supplementary information, you can review and amend your annual tax statement via the TastSelv system on 

Key deadlines for employees 

As an employee, you will receive an annual tax statement showing your total income and the tax payable. The data in this statement comes from your employer, bank, unemployment insurance fund, and other sources. If there are errors or missing details, you can correct them via TastSelv at 

  • 24 March 2025: The annual tax statement for 2024 becomes available in TastSelv. 
  • 16 April 2025: Deadline for making changes and providing additional information. 
  • 1 May 2025: Final deadline for corrections. 


Reporting form for self-employed individuals 

If you run your own business, you must submit a reporting form instead of an annual tax statement. This form, which is completed via TastSelv at, includes details of your business’s income, tax, and deductions. 

For larger businesses with a net turnover exceeding DKK 25 million, the tax authorities may require additional financial documentation. If you run a limited liability company (e.g., ApS or A/S), you must submit an annual report to the Danish Business Authority, separate from tax requirements. 

Deadlines for self-employed individuals 

  • 16 April 2025: If you submit the reporting form before this date, your annual tax statement will be generated shortly afterward. 
  • 1 July 2025: Final deadline for making changes and submitting the form. This deadline also applies to limited tax residents, individuals with foreign income, and those involved in investment projects. 
  • 1 July 2025: If you are married to a self-employed person, your deadline is also automatically 1 July. 


Deductions and income to check and update 

Certain deductions and income sources require particular attention. Make sure to verify and correct the following: 

  • Handyman deduction (Håndværkerfradrag) 
  • Commuting deduction (Befordringsfradrag) – Be aware that this deduction is no longer automatically included in your annual tax statement as in previous years. 
  • Shares and other securities 
  • Rental income from a room or property for part of the year 
  • Private loans, lending, and interest payments 
  • Received maintenance payments 
  • Board, lodging, and dual residence deductions 
  • Work clothing, professional literature, courses, etc. 
  • Foreign properties, bank accounts, and similar assets 


Annual tax statement for foreign tax affairs 

If you have foreign tax obligations, there are several aspects of your tax statement that require attention. Below is a list of the most important details to keep track of: 

  • Tax liability: Are you required to pay tax on your global income? 
  • Double taxation: Ensure you do not pay tax on the same income twice. 
  • Social security contributions: Where are your social contributions paid? 
  • Documentation: Collect and retain records of foreign income, deductions, and taxes paid. 


Need tax advice? 

Tax regulations can be complex, especially if you are self-employed or have foreign tax obligations. At Azets, we assist businesses and individuals with everything from tax and accounting to payroll and financial management. 

Contact us for a no-obligation consultation on how we can help you. 

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About Azets

Azets is an international group that offers assistance in finance, payroll, consultancy, and business services. With over 6,500 employees across our offices, we assist businesses and organisations of all sectors and sizes in developing their enterprise and realising their business potential.